Why Mamilo?
We replicate and custom make your own baby bottle nipples.
Baby's can be very picky when it comes to switching to bottle feeding. Parents try dozen of different bottle-nipples to find that one silicon-nipple that the baby latches to.
There are Hundreds of different types of nipples in every shape, size, color, and texture . Which ones will work? One size, and shape doesn't fit all!
Create your own custom baby bottle nipples to reduce nipple confusion and save yourself the tears, stress, and money of finding a nipple your baby will take.

We are a San Francisco based fem-tech startup that is dedicated to applying the newest technologies to solve an almost universal problem of switching from breast to bottle by creating replicas of your own nipple from the security and comfort of your home. Mamilo was hatched from the birth of our baby boy 8 years ago. When my wife had to return to work and I took on the roll of feeding, I struggled for months to find an artificial nipple that he would take. After purchasing dozens of nipples and bottles we asked the question, "Why isn't there a better solution?" We discovered that...
Mother's Breasts are Best (TM) and Mamilo is Second Best!

A Message from our Co-Founder
"As a Mother, Professor, and Doctor at University of California San Francisco Medical Center I am in constant pursuit of finding solutions that can help provide opportunity for patients to live healthier and happier lives. Whether you are breastfeeding, wanting to breastfeed but struggling with latching or milk production, or transitioning out of breastfeeding, Mamilo allows you to have a personalized relationship with bottle feeding so that your baby can be as close to you as possible. By providing a custom bottle top to mimic the shape of your breast, Mamilo is a wonderful tool to provide a better transition from Breast to Bottle."
Dr. Stefanie Weinstein, Professor and MD at UCSF Medical Center, Co-Founder Mamilo